"I have had the pleasure of working with Lauren and Chaca on arrangements for our student group for the past 3 years.  Because I am located overseas, I am so pleased with the quick email response I get from them whenever I write to ask for questions or clarifications.  It is so helpful that they are both so detail orientated and think of all the small things that we need to know about and decide on.  I also appreciate their flexibility when plans change!  Lauren and Chaca have a great business and I am happy to work with them."

Emily Gaul, Program Associate for Associated Colleges of the Midwest, U.S.A

“[Nyayo Discovery] were awesome and were in tune with what a group of college students needed as opposed to just tourist groups [and] handled our 6 week [program] in the Northern Parks.”

James Goode, Director for ACM 2011 – U.S.A

 "Nyayo Discovery really came through for me to implement a really demanding education program.  They got us the supplies and the driver we needed, plus they pulled together a one-day excursion at the last minute that made a huge impact on the students.  Years later, I have students asking about how Chaca, Lauren, and their family are."

Chet Cain, Director for ACM 2009 - U.S.A



 “Our safari took us into four parks where we saw a very large number of animals, including the big five, we were surprised to see so many animals during the day and sometimes at close quarters. Our guide/driver was excellent with a good eye for spotting particular animals and our cook did a good job of cooking meals in the campgrounds, both understood the level of service that westerners expect and met this standard.

The highlight of the trip was the three days we spent camping in a Maasai village, the English speaking local guide spent hours every day showing us their culture and way of life. We will never forget dancing with the Maasai villagers under the stars, a magical experience.

The owners of Nyayo Discovery were well organized and very helpful, after the safari we flew to Zanzibar and they booked the flight for us and phoned ahead to our accommodation to make sure we would not encounter any problems.

My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed our trip with Nyayo Discovery.”

Paul and Pamela Hagen, Independent travellers, Canada



 "Tanzania has changed my life. I went with an open mind, hoping to learn about a totally different culture and hoping to see what African life is like; five weeks later I left not just with the knowledge of what I set out to find, but also a much deeper understanding of myself and others. [The] program’s structure was perfectly designed, all thanks to Chaca. Ngongoi [local guide] was one of the most powerful , interesting people, I have ever met."

Zachary Halaschak, Student traveller with Experiment in International Living  (EIL) U.S.

 "The people I met in this trip are some of the most wonderful human beings I have even gotten to know".

Jorge Silva Tapia, Student traveller (EIL) U.S.

 "I felt that all of our in-country guides/leaders/teachers were excellent ... Chaca's connections to [the communities we visited] made it really special and allowed us to get really into them.  He and Ngongoi [local guide] also offered such an in-depth, personal knowledge of the country and its variety of citizens".

Maia Fulton-Black, Student traveller (EIL) U.S.

 "Chaca was amazing & never failed to exceed expectations, and was in all ways the perfect guide."  

Faust Nunez, Student traveller (EIL) U.S.

 "I am a new Kinaya.  Coming to Tanzania has given me a piece of the motherland to identify with.  I am not sure how to express the spark and the change that has taken place.  The empowerment I have been afforded is what I will cherish forever."

Kinaya Pettiford, Student traveller (EIL) U.S.